Department of
Learning Comm and Writing Prog
College of
University College
Main Campus
1 - Full Term
TR 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
To be determined by instructor
Focuses on academic writing. Reviews principles of the writing process, including editing for Standard American English and using and documenting sources. Introduces patterns of organization and development, summary and paraphrase, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of multiple sources drawn from a variety of cultural and intellectual contexts. Includes extensive library research and documentation and some attention to oral and visual communication. (This course, or an equivalent, is required of all undergraduates to fulfill the Core Curriculum requirement and is typically taken during the first semester of the freshman year. WRC 1013 and WRC 1023 may not be taken concurrently.) (Formerly ENG 1013. Credit cannot be earned for both WRC 1013 and ENG 1013.)